Heavy Glow's last issue

The Spring 2007 issue of Heavy Glow is unfortunately its last. I have the good fortune to have one of my stories, “The Squatter,” in that issue, though. When the editors accepted the story, they said it made them a little angry. Cool.

Even cooler, though, is what one of the kind readers said on the HG blog:

And as for this issue: what a wonderful mix of pieces. All are excellent but I must admit a fondness for Angie Smibert’s “The Squatter,” Eric Call’s “Only What Hesam Sees,” Charles Phillip’s “Another Day in the Fields,” and Neil King’s hysterical “Give Up the Host.”



Crimson Highway suspended

Crap. As I was putting together this blog, I noticed Crimson Highway’s site has gone 404. Actually, it says the account has been suspended. Why do I care? Not only is it a cool little dark romantic fiction magazine–but the March issue has one of my stories in it. At least it was online for several weeks. Hopefully, CH will get this straightened out and be back online soon.
