
Here are my writing goals / resolutions for this year:

  • Write one short story (flash or longer) a month.
  • Finish novel and start sending it out.
  • Apply for SFWA (Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America) associate membership.
  • Make at least two more SFWA-qualifying sales and then apply for SFWA full membership.
  • Write / sell more YA short fiction.
  • Dabble in YA nonfiction.
  • Market more aggressively. (IE, polish up / send out back log of stories. Set aside one day a week for marketing.)

Julius Caesar's Breath

Just as I was about to conclude that the contest had gone under, I got a payment for winning honorable mention in the Whim’s Place Flash Fiction Contest. Then, I saw the notice on the web site that the contest had indeed been canceled indefinitely due to a serious of unfortunate events. This quarter’s winners would not be published, and the upcoming anthology was canceled as well.

I’m sorry to see an interesting (and well paying) endeavor go under.
