The Across the Universe World Tour

Across the Universe is a sci fi coming out from Penguin/Razorbill on January 11, 2011. Author Beth Revis describes it as “a murder mystery set in space,” but it also has romance, adventure, and dystopian elements. In the book, a girl boards an interstellar spaceship in a journey across the universe to find a new planet.

To celebrate the book’s upcoming release, Beth’s gathered together writers and readers from across the blogosphere to share their stories of adventures they’ve had across the world. Check out her site the first two weeks of November to read about adventures from the Wild West to Indonesia, from Europe to Africa.

And as you’re going across the world with all these adventures, be sure to pick up the clues. On Beth’s webpage is a secret link–LOOK for it, and you’ll SEE it. But it’s password protected! To find the password, you’ll need to go on the adventures with us, pick up the letters, and re-arrange them into the secret phrase.

What do you get for playing? On the password protected page there’s tons of secret information about the book–hidden Easter Eggs, the surprising origins of one of the characters, and the unexpected inspiration behind the space ship. But, more than that–there’s also a chance for prizes! Only accessible from the password protected page is a form to enter a drawing–the winner will get a signed and doodled ARC of Across the Universe, pin-buttons featuring the book, star-related swag–and a secret something else!

All you have to do is follow us across the blogosphere, pick up the letters, and unscramble the password! Your clue for today is…


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