Random Dystopian World Generator

Having trouble coming up with a setting for your next dystopian opus? Have no fear. The random world generator is here. This was originally intended for my League of Extraordinary Writers blog post. However, I couldn’t get the Javascript to work on Blogger. Score another one for WordPress, land of the many plug-ins and widgets.


8 Replies to “Random Dystopian World Generator”

  1. I love this too! This was my favorite (’cause I have a thing for zombielore)

    The Earth has been destroyed by an economic meltdown, plunging us into a new bronze age. Zombies have taken over, and we have a shortage of sunlight. Discuss.

  2. Thanks guys. My favorite combination so far is: The Earth has been despoiled by stupidity, plunging us into a new Victorian age. Artificial intelligences have taken over, and we have a shortage of Skittles.

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